Relaxation,  Restoration

Tapping Into Your Inner Park

So I was giving this some thought and I truly believe that we don’t give parks enough credit. I mean seriously, we overlook such a wonderful resource. An opportunity to getaway, even if for a weekend. Now let’s not be shady — parks aren’t just for the elderly and stay at home mothers attempting to entertain their children. There are actually a lot of things to see and do in parks that gives us opportunities to get up and get out.


I totally get that you may want to avoid specific parks in particular areas during certain times of the day — I get it. And I know that SOME of us go to parks and do some things that we’re not suppose to be doing. I have theory about people who just sit in their cars doing nothing in the middle of the damn day at the park, but that’s for a different post. Let’s be realistic, how many of us actually go to the park, unless for a specific reason, like giving your self a break from  unruly children or  walking the damn dog?


Shout out to the damn dog!

Milo – Aloysius


But see that’s where we miss out! First and foremost, there are tons of gorgeous parks out there. The landscaping and architecture that exist in some of our parks is absolutely breathtaking and provides us with an opportunity to look at something other than our dry ass cubicles, right? I mean, could you imagine being able to sit down in the park on the most perfect day enjoying your lunch in peace, no petty ass co-workers in sight. It’s like having a moment of solace amidst the chaos and bullshit. Not to mention the trails. I love a park so huge that you can get lost walking its trails. And let’s not forget the wild life. No park is truly completely without is share fish, squirrels, and ducks!

Elk Grove Regional Park-1208
Elk Grove Regional Park – The Ugly Duckling

Trials allow for release, you know, an opportunity to get back to baseline and clear our heads. Work some stuff out. Getting that exercises in and releasing those endorphins. Shout out to physical and mental health though. Like seriously.


So a friend was telling me earlier this week that she was going on a first date with a guy she recently met and I literally gasped when she told me that he asked her to go on a picnic in the park with him.

Elk Grove Regional Park-1240
Elk Grove Regional Park

Now when is the last time you’ve heard of somebody telling you that they were going to go sit in the middle of the damn park and have a goddamn picnic, like in real life. I was immediately filled with joy at the thought of actually having a nice intimate lunch with good conversation from somebody you actually want to get to know. It’s truly the simple things. Those type of gestures and moments that carry us through and help us get by. (Which is why you should go to parks.)


You should get up right now. And go to the park! Take a book. Take a walk. Take a date? The damn dog, perhaps. Just get out and go!


If you have a favorite park, shout it out!


What do you think?