
Welcome To The Wearied Traveler

So there is an interesting story behind starting this blog because… well, I don’t travel. I’ve technically never taken a “vacation”. I’ve never traveled abroad. I don’t even have a passport! Okay, here’s a secret I’ll share with only you. So, at the time of starting this blog, I have accumulated 199.72 hours of paid time off. I know right! I’m actually at a point where I’m beginning to request a day off here, a few hours there, for the sake of being able to continue to accrue time off since I cap out at a little over 200 hours. So you could imagine my shock and utter confusion when my co-workers encouraged me to start a travel blog considering I don’t go any damn where. And (sense were being honest with one another) I don’t have any money to go anywhere. Imagine with me if you will a single man living in central California; I bring a whole new level to being poor. Let’s just call it flat-out destitute!


After thinking on it for a while however, I began to wonder why wouldn’t I be the ideal person to start a travel blog. I desperately want to see the world and document my experience through writing and photography. More importantly, I want to shed light on the fact that, like myself, millions of Americans don’t take vacation time, yet we all should. We should make attempts to get away and unplug which is critical to preventing burnout at work. In fact, more than half of Americans do not use the vacation time that’s accumulated during the year for whatever reason. So what do people actually do in between those big vacations to the white sandy beaches or big European trips? How do people detach from work to focus on self-care? That is my mission for this blog! To have those conversations and discuss how we separate ourselves from the stressors of work so that we can incorporate more rest, relaxation, and restoration into our lives and subsequently cultivate a little more happiness into our daily work routines. Whether it be weekend getaways, day trips, or new relaxation techniques; this blog aims to support us with what we can do as overworked, underpaid employees in between those bigger vacations. We’ll also explore cost-effective ways to travel and planning larger trips including my journey to getting a passport and taking a “real vacation”.  Thank you so much for taking this journey with me!


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