
Summer Reading List – 2017

Hey Travelers! So I’m so excited for this post. This is my first reading list ever on my first blog… well technically my third, but this is the only blog that counts. I’m also trying some new things with the blog with more new things coming, so I’m petty stoked.

There’s so much apprehension around this post to be honest. Recommended reading lists are not to be taken lightly and the community of avid readers are serious about their lists. As usual, I was over thinking things and was planning to do some — wedding themed something old something new — type of foolishness comprised of  books that already exists in my personal library, with those that I want to add. But after a little thought, I’ve decided to just keep this one simple. Instead of wasting time researching the hottest books you should be reading this summer, I’m just going to share with you what I’m reading, and why.


This blog has a self-care component to it in addition to travel, so we have to talk about reading in relation to relaxation. What I’ve just realized is that the older I get, the less I read. I’m very mindful, however, of reading (or attempting to) a couple of books each year. I’m sure that many of you can identify. It was so much easier when you were younger to sit and fall off into some fantasy world of a James Patterson novel. But now that we have families, careers, and other obligations; we find less and less time to enjoy our favorite authors. While I still read 2-3 books a year, not long ago I was ableto finish twice that number. Now it seems that I’m more likely to start several books over the course of a few months, finish 2-3, then go back an attempt the rest at a later time. I’ve taken for granted how much I enjoyed reading a good E. Lynn Harris novel and how relaxing reading can be.


Reading is one of the best ways for me to relax. It’s perfect to do while traveling on a plane or on a road trip. Books are perfect on the beach or the back yard. They are great out on the deck, at the park, or at work during break. I also know plenty who enjoy reading a good book while waiting on the monotony of jury selection to be over and those who just have to get in that last chapter before bed each night. Reading is so relaxing. It gives us that opportunity to break away from what’s going on around us in the moment and gets our imagination to working. Through reading, one can suddenly be on the sandy beaches of Puerto Vallarta or sipping on cocktails in Capri. What a way to detach from bullshit and escape mindless T.V. And long gone are the days of having to carry books several inches thick with you everywhere you go. These days you can access any book you can think of on a mobile device or tablet.


Okay, so here’s my reading list this summer. I’ve already stated that I tend to start a few books at the same time so this is also a declaration of not only the books I’m reading for the summer, but also my intent to finish these books.


1. The Vampire Armand, Anne Rice. Shout out to Anne Rice! She’s my favorite author at the moment. A few years back I decided that I wanted to read the entire Vampire Chronicles in order. I had previously read a couple of her books over the years and enjoyed them so much that I decided it was worth me starting from the beginning and going all the way through to her most recent, The Prince Lestat. I absolutely love the way the Ann Rice writes and the book are entertaining enough to get me midway through the series. Two of the three books I read last year, where from the Vampire Chronicles and I hope to be done within another year or so (Stephen King is next up). Shout out to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone as an honorable mention here. I’ve seen all the movies, but unfortunately haven’t ready any of books so I started this one a few months back. I can’t wait to dive into this series.


2. Social Media 101: A Beginners Guide to Online Marketing. This is a collection of five books compiled into one. In this collection you’ll find books from Jamie Turner, R. Scott Corbett, and Clara Shih to name a few. But the one I’m most interested in, Get Up to Speed with Online Marketing,  by Jon Reed is what drew my attention to the collection. This one is a little weird to put into a Summer reading list, I get that. But I chose this book specifically because it’s something that I’m working out personally in my life. As I’m on this blog journey and trying to figure out my space in the online community, I’m faced with the realization that I completely suck at online — social media marketing. I’m actually not a big fan of social media to begin with, which is problematic when you have a blog that you want people to read. I’ve been inactive on Facebook for maybe 10 years now and my favorite platform, Twitter, I use sporadically. I can’t stand the social narcissism that exists on Instagram (problematic for a photographer) and I rebuke Snap Chat. With all that said, I can learn. And, if online marketing in itself turns out to be more prescriptive than the randomness of showing people whats for breakfast or what you happen to be thinking in the moment, then I may actually enjoy online marketing. So I’m going to read the book, not over think it, and apply what I’ve learned. Simple.


3. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho. Another difficult, but personal one. This goes back to my journey of starting this blog and wanting to gain the life experience of travel and photography and all that wonderful stuff. In my research of finding ways to get motivated and understanding the “secrets” to success; I came across this book. I’ve had heard how amazing the book is and how it’s changed lives. I’ve even seen a Youtube clip of Will Smith talking about this book, so I decided to borrow it from the library, which you can do through an app on your phone, and started to read the book. Actually, I’m two-thirds of the way through the book and I’ve listened to this one instead of actually reading it but to be honest, the book is kind of boring for me. I mean I get why people rave on about it and totally get the theme of recognizing and following your dreams, not giving up and working hard to achieve those dreams, problem-solving and picking yourself up, etc. That’s all great. As far as the actual story… it’s just not that interesting to me. However, since I’ve started the book, I have to finish it.


Shout out to the comic series I’m reading in the interim!

So the point here is not what you are reading, but that you are reading.You don’t have to read what I am reading or what anyone is reading. All that matters is that you take advantage of the benefits a good reading will do for you. We can’t let reading fall off into the abyss of things that “old folks” do. However you gain access or whichever platform you use, continue to the read. No matter the content, just read! Books (not people), magazines, news articles, blogs… just read!


Leave a comment below and let me know what’s currently on your Summer reading list!

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